Our Services

Checkup with Judy Ribner, DNP, CNM of Holistic Midwifery New York


Prenatal visits are an opportunity for us to get to know each other and connect in a meaningful way. We also assess motherbaby and expand our client’s health knowledge. We offer prenatal visits monthly until 28 weeks, every 2-3 weeks until 36 weeks, and then weekly until labor starts.

Care includes:

  • Lab Work
  • Genetic testing (If preferred)
  • Assessment of fetal and maternal health
  • Emphasis on Targeted Pregnancy Nutrition
  • Environmental Health
Home Birth with Judy Ribner, DNP, CNM and Malki Schuler, MSN, CNM, C-EFM, LCCE of Holistic Midwifery New York

Labor and Natural Birth

We offer physiologic labor support, natural homebirth, waterbirth, hypnobirthing birth, and more. Our midwifery team provides care in a way that honors the laboring woman and her unique personal journey to bring her baby forth. We encourage the laboring woman to heed her inner voice and birth instinctively and powerfully. Women choose their preferred birth position and place of birth. There is utmost care to prevent tearing during childbirth.

Care includes:

  • Fetal Monitoring
  • Cautious use of medication (only if necessary)
  • Newborn assessment
Judy Ribner, DNP, CNM with New Baby - NYC and Long Island Homebirth Midwife


Postpartum care is offered right in the client’s home.

We come to the home 24-48 hours after the birth to check on the mother and baby.

Newborn screening tests are offered then. Lactation support is offered.

Contraception is offered at the six week postpartum visit.

(The office files for a birth certificate after the birth. It is received within the first few weeks after the baby is born).

Holistic Midwifery New York Holistic GYN Services

Holistic Gynecology

At Holistic Midwifery New York, we value evidence-based practice and shared decision making, helping women achieve the birth and health of their dreams. We treat the whole person- not merely the symptoms.

Our approach to gynecology is to address the underlying cause of symptoms and carefully weigh the risks of medication use.

We offer alternative, holistic treatments in addition to mainstream Western Medicine regimens, and work to help rebuild health from within.

Call us today for your free consultation

We’re standing by ready to answer any questions you have.

At-Home Birth Service Locations